Welcome to Don Higgins Kidney Cancer Story (DHKCS.org) Facebook Posts

2023-8-14 Cancer treatment update #17 On August 14 I had a byopsy of growth on my left kidney. On September 14 I met with surgeon at Moffitt and now have surgery scheduled for October 30 to remove renal cell carcinoma from my left kidney. Fortunately the tumor was discovered early on scans following my successful esophageal cancer treatment. (see Don Higgins Esophageal Cancer Story
2023-11-07 Cancer treatment update #18 On October 25, I had surgery at Moffitt on my left kidney to remove renal cell carcinoma. The surgeon was able to get clear margins and did not have to take the whole kidney. Both kidneys are now functioning normally, and no further treatment is planned. There were several side effects of the surgery which prolonged my expected 4 day stay to 10 days. Several issues had to be resolved including abdominal drainage, bowl, and urinary track issues. Charlotte stayed in my hospital room with me. I am thankful to be home although I feel very weak and sore. Thank you for all the continued well wishes and prayers.
2023-12-17 Cancer treatment update #19 On Nov. 17 I had Mohs surgery to remove squamous cells from below my right ear. On Dec 11, I had Mohs surgery to remove basil cells from my upper lip. In Dec. 15 I had thyroid biopsy and will get results on Jan 5. Thank you for all the continued well wishes and prayers.


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